Chapter 30

Confederate Flag

Dear Greg (owner The Rebel Shop, Clayton, GA)
Enclosed is an article about the War Between the States, I thought you might be interested in.
I am a firm supporter of Confederate symbols representing southern pride, as that’s how I was raised. The Dukes of Hazard were certainly not racists and they displayed the flag on the roof of the General Lee. Unfortunately many people don’t share this perception. Attacking symbols is low hanging fruit and easier than addressing the deeper causes of racism. My Dad’s Confederate battle flag hangs in my garage, so I can appreciate it without up setting those who feel it represents racism. That’s just the way it is now, whether we like it or agree with it or not.
The economic system of the world throughout history has favored the rich, and slavery is a big part of continuing control by the wealthy. Below is a letter to the editor I submitted recently.
Wish you well,

Increasing income inequality is like blowing up a balloon: It can’t go on forever. Slavery is not dead. It is the third most profitable enterprise of organized crime, after drugs and weapons sales. The current minimum wage, in most places, is a form of slavery. Inadequate education and health care is a form of slavery. Underpaying illegal immigrants is a form of slavery. If you are concerned about slavery, worry more about what is going on today than what went on in the past. More detail is at>TOC>Ch30>Economic System. Support leaders who care more about the people they lead, than their own agendas. Read up on how the Icelandic people, the Norwegians, and the Swedish people reformed their economic and political systems. If enough of us join together, we can make our society more equitable for all.

Anyone who invests in a company that does not provide health insurance to their employees is promoting slavery today. Doubling down, (exorbitant) health insurance profits go to investors. Worry about that more than statues and monuments. Especially large corporations who care more about their investors than their employees. Light it up!
Facebook Post 7/8/2020

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